Sponsor the Show

Other than all the cool kids are doing it Waxy Browns Revue provides a hybrid of the old FM show and a Podcast. The old show was limited to the broadcast range of the tower. This show is specifically formatted to fit the needs of Missouri operators.

Taking the lessons learned from being a Journalist/Photographer in the Navy and a FM Talk Show host Waxy can deliver a final product that is unmatched in the market. 

Because we are no longer bound to FCC regulations and the constraints of an FM broadcast this “new” format allows Waxy to speak to the culture of Missouri. We’re literally taking the muzzle off one of the loudest voices in Cannabis.

Sponsors of the show will have access to all the behind the scenes planning that goes into our show. Promotions, events, political activism, music, and more all are part of the scene. And we want to bring that scene to the airways with our sponsors.

If you’ve got an idea of how you’d like to support our show drop us a line HERE.

We look forward to working with you in the near future.

Team Waxy

"Presented By" Sponsor

This is the top tier sponsorship for Waxy Browns Revue. With this sponsorship you'll be mentioned in all of our posts and shows as follows:  "Waxy Browns Revue, Presented by ______." We'll also make sure to work your sponsorship into every other spot we can that isn't too annoying, or...


Studio Sponsor

You'll also have the ability to put your logo in several key locations in the studio. Your brand will be in frame for all the video elements of the show. Sponsors also have the ability to provide items that the hosts might wear during the recording. Waxy is pretty tight...


30 Second Commercial

Every show will have 3 commercial breaks that are 3 minutes a piece. During that time we'll run commercials that are either 30 seconds long or 60 seconds. Sponsors who purchase these spots may purchase multiple spots per show.


60 Second Commercial

Every show will have 3 commercial breaks that are 3 minutes a piece. During that time we'll run commercials that are either 30 seconds long or 60 seconds. Sponsors who purchase these spots may purchase multiple spots per show.


Featured Spot

These segments will be short 3-7 minute features of products, events, promotion, and more that fit your needs. In a given month you can expect 1-3 spots to be worked into the show. These are also promoted on our socials as allowed by the various media outlets.


Product Review

If you've got a new product or are looking for a way to get more exposure this is your chance! Each product review will be filmed in studio and will be between 3-5 minutes depending on the product type.
